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National Skills Competition Taitaja2024 in Kuopio 20-23 May 2024

The National Skills Competition Taitaja will take place in the Kuopio Hall and Savo Vocational College (Savilahti Campus) this May. The event is open to everyone and free of charge. We invite everyone interested in vocational education and training to come and explore the competition and Finnish VET education.


The Taitaja Event gathers tens of thousands of visitors every year. Pictured Taitaja2023 Espoo last year. Photographer: Laura Luomalehto / Skills Finland.

The Taitaja2024 event will take place between 20 and 23 May in Kuopio. In addition to the Finnish championship of professional skills, there are a lot of interesting things to see: the Taitaja9 final, topical seminars, and much more.

In addition to the competitors in Finnish championship, there are over 30 guest competitors from all over the world competing together with Team Finland. Most of them are heading to WorldSkills Lyon 2024 competition in France next autumn.

This article contains some points of interest for the competition week. More detailed information on the event can be found on the Taitaja2024 website.

Event schedule

  • opening ceremony on Monday 20 May from 14 to 15, Olvi Arena
  • 1st competition day Tue 21 May from klo 8 to 17
  • 2nd competition day Wed 22 May from 8 to 17
  • 3rd competition day Thu 23 May from 8 to 12
  • closing ceremony Thu 23 May from 14.30 to 16, Olvi Arena

Finnish Championship of Professional Skills

Finnish championship medals in over 50 different skills will be on the table in the competition spanning from Tuesday to Thursday. The skills effectively present to the public the different fields and professions of vocational education and training. Five TaitajaPLUS skills are also included which take into account the students’ special needs.

Skills categories

Event area maps (in Finnish)


Taitaja9 challenges the dexterity and cleverness of upper secondary school pupils with its versatile tasks. The two-day Taitaja9 competition will be held at Kuopio Hall

  • Tue 21 May from 13.00 to 15.15
  • Wed 22 May from 9.15 to 15.30

More about Taitaja9 competition


National Seminar in Finnish
Tue 21 May 2024 from 10 to 12 at Savonia kampussydän

International Seminar in English
Wed 22 May 2024 from 10 to 14 at Savonia kampussydän

Further Information

Taitaja2024 website

Pictures on Skills Finland photobank

Press releases (in Finnish) on

Contact information of Taitaja2024 secreatariat

Contact information of Skills Finland secretariat

Taitaja on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn | TikTok

Skills Finland on social media: Facebook | X | Instagram | YouTube | LinkedIn

#Taitaja2024 #ProudlyProfessional