Skills Finland members have the opportunity to influence how the association develops and its future direction through, for example, participating in the Board’s activities or by sending suggestions for improvement through an annual member survey. Members are among the first to be informed of current news and invited to events organised by Skills Finland.
Skills Finland is a non-profit association whose members include, for example, all of the largest providers of vocational education and training in Finland.
Skills Finland members are able to influence the development and direction of the association. The Board is appointed by Skills Finland’s General Assembly (GA). The GA also has the final say on operational development and resource allocation.
Members are among the first to be informed of current news and invited to events organised by Skills Finland. They will be able to send suggestions for improvement through an annual member survey.
Skills Finland members support all young people in achieving excellence in their own fields and strive to improve the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training. Together, we develop the workforce of the future through skills competitions.
Membership benefits
Members can influence the activities of the association by participating in the General Assembly, responding to the annual member survey, the responses of which the Board uses as a basis for planning, and appointing a Board for the association.
Participation in the Taitaja semifinal and final is cheaper for members of Skills Finland.
International skills competitions offer an opportunity to see the work of professionals at an international level and to bring expertise to Finnish vocational education and training. Skills Finland members can participate in international activities by appointing experts and competitors to international skills competitions through us and by participating in the activities of training teams.
Around seven times a year, members will receive a newsletter (Skillsletter), which contains information on the association's current activities.
For more information about memberships, please contact Office Manager Maria Atzmon,
Providers of vocational education
- AhlmanEdu
- Ammattiopisto Spesia
- Autoalan Palveluntuottajat ry
- Axxell Utbildning Ab
- Brahe Education Centre
- Careeria
- Diakonia College of Finland
- Educational Consortium OSAO
- Ekami – The Joint Authority of Education of Kotka-Hamina Region
- Etelä-Karjalan koulutuskuntayhtymä
- Etelä-Savon koulutus Oy
- Luovi Vocational College
- Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in the Espoo region
- Harju Vocational College
- Helsingin kaupunki / Opetusvirasto
- Helsinki Business College
- Hyria koulutus Oy
- Häme University of Applied Sciences, HAMK
- Itä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä / Savonlinnan ammatti- ja aikuisopisto
- Vocational Education Centre JEDU
- Jyväskylä Educational Consortium Gradia
- JAMI, Järviseutu Vocational Institute
- Kajaanin kaupunki / Kainuun ammattiopisto
- Lappia Vocational College and Lappia-Education Ltd
- Keski-Pohjanmaan koulutusyhtymä
- Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä
- Kiipula Vocational College
- Salpaus Further Education
- Tavastia Education Consortium
- Kouvola Vocational Institute Ltd., Eduko
- Live Foundation / Live Vocational College
- Southwest Häme educational federation of municipalities / Forssa Vocational Institute
- Suomen Ammattikoulutuksen Johtajat SAJO ry
- Lounais-Suomen koulutuskuntayhtymä / Novida – ammattiopisto ja lukio
- Luksia, Länsi-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä
- Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova
- Maalariammattikoulun Kannatusyhdistys ry
- Mercuria Business College
- Optima
- Oulun Palvelualan Opisto / Marttayhdistysten liitto ry
- Peimarin koulutuskuntayhtymä / Ammattiopisto Livia
- Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College Ltd
- North Karelia Municipal Education and Training Consortium Finland, Riveria
- Raahen Porvari- ja Kauppakoulu
- Raisio Regional Education and Training Consortium, Raseko
- Lapland Education Centre REDU
- Salon seudun koulutuskuntayhtymä
- SASKY Municipal Education and Training Consortium
- Satakunta Educational Federation
- Savo Consortium for Education
- Seinäjoki Joint Municipal Authority for Education Sedu
- Suupohja Federation of Municipalities
- Svenska Framtidsskolan i Helsingforsregionen Ab / Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum
- Federation of Swedish Municipalities in Ostrobothnia for Education and Culture
- Tampere Adult Education Centre, TAKK
- Tampere Vocational College Tredu
- Turun Ammattiopistosäätiö
- Turku Vocational Institute
- Vaasan kaupunki / Vaasan ammattiopisto Vamia
- Valkeakoski Vocational College
- Vantaa Vocational College Varia
- Ylä-Savo Municipal Federation of Education
- POKE Vocational College
Other organisations
- The Finnish Association for the Development of Vocational Education and Training AMKE
- Autoalan Keskusliitto AKL ry
- Autoalan Palveluntuottajat ry
- Employers’ Federation of Road Transport
- Ejendals Suomi Oy
- Confederation of Finnish Industries
- Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors JHL
- Central Union of Agricultural Producers and Forest Owners (MTK)
- Mestarikiltaneuvosto ry
- The OKKA Foundation for Teaching, Education and Personal Development
- Trade Union of Education, OAJ
- Finnish National Agency for Education
- Service Union United PAM
- Pintaurakoitsijat ry
- The Finnish Construction Trade Union
- National Union of Vocational Students in Finland (SAKKI)
- The Central Organisation of Finnish Trade Unions SAK
- Association of Finnish Cities and Municipalities
- The Finnish Union of Practical Nurses
- Suomen Opiskelija-Allianssi – OSKU ry
- Suomen Yrittäjät
- Technology Industries of Finland
- Industrial Union
- The Finnish Confederation of Professionals (STTK)
- Würth Oy