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Call for applications for a Finnish Expert in Health and Social Care for the EuroSkills Herning 2025 Competition

A call for applications for Finnish Experts for the EuroSkills Herning 2025 Competition took place in spring 2024. We are now launching a call for applications in the skill of Health and Social Care, as the Chief Expert previously nominated for the skill is now unable to take part in the Competition. The application period ends on 23 August 2024.

EuroSkills, the European championships for vocational skills, will be held next in Herning, Denmark, from 9 to 13 September 2025. Skills Finland and its partners will bring together Team Finland consisting of Competitors and Experts. The Experts will act as specialists and judges in their skill.

The Finnish EuroSkills Experts were selected through an open call from 19 February to 13 March 2024. It has been the policy of Skills Finland to designate Experts directly for the upcoming season if someone has been selected as the Chief Expert or Deputy Chief Expert in the previous competition. A total of five Finns had been selected for these roles for the EuroSkills 2025 competition.

Due to changed circumstances, the person selected as the Chief Expert in Health and Social Care is prevented from participating. As a result, we are now looking for an Expert to replace them. The call for an Finnish Expert in Health and Social Care is open between 9 August and 23 August 2024. The person selected will not inherit the title of Chief Expert, but will be chosen for a standard Expert role instead.

Further information and application instructions, in Finnish

EuroSkills 2025 call for Experts in Health and Social Care (pdf)

Appendix 1: Commitment form to be completed (pdf)

Further information

Teija Ripattila
Chief Training Manager
Official Delegate of Finland in EuroSkills Competitions
+358 40 455 2020