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Fashion Technology was organised in close co-operation with companies

Skills Finland awarded the Entrepreneurship Award 2024 to skill Fashion Technology in cooperation with the Federation of Finnish Enterprises.


Evaluator Mikko Kinnunen from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises gave out the award to Skill competition managers Päivi Särkkä-Lehkonen and Niina Lahikainen. At right Kaisa Turtiainen who's company was partner in the skill. Photo: Skills Finland / Anni Ketola.

Skills Finland awarded the Entrepreneurship Award in cooperation with the Federation of Finnish Enterprises, and the evaluators were Mikko Kinnunen from the Federation of Finnish Enterprises and former competitor, entrepreneur Eemil Pakarinen from EP Steel & Machine.

In their selection criteria, the evaluators highlighted the importance of close cooperation with companies, a competition task that emphasised customer service and the evaluation's strong emphasis on entrepreneurship.

The competition and the skills category area had been implemented with a creative, experimental and aesthetic approach. A business partner participated actively in the competition from its design to the end. The competition task emphasising customer service measured efficiency, sustainable use and quality of materials and contributed to guiding service-mindedness and entrepreneurship. The evaluation also had a strong emphasis on entrepreneurship.

The evaluators thanked the students for their experimental culture, ability to throw themselves into the competition, genuine cooperation and strong creativity where elements of sustainability and well-being were also strongly present.

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Recretional area was decorated as "grandma's house". Photo: Niina Lahikainen / Esedu.


Fashion Technology, Beauty Therapy, Hairdressing and Floristry organised a fashion show at the closing ceremony for presenting the competition entries. Photo: Skills Finland / Anton Gaudillat (Savo Vocational College)

Taitaja Awards

The common themes of the Taitaja competition are entrepreneurship, sustainable development as well as occupational safety and well-being at work. They must be clearly specified and justified in the description, tasks and assessment criteria of all skills categories. They must also be presented to the competitors and the public.

The Taitaja awards are given to skills categories in which the themes are best realised and displayed. The evaluators who decide on the awards go through all the categories and select the top three for interviews. The interviews take place during the final week, and the winners of each of the three categories receive a challenge award and a diploma on the final day.

The evaluators for Sustainability Award were Anu Salo from Savo Vocational College and Katja Katajamäki from Skills Finland. Skills Finland awards the Taitaja Award in Entrepreneurship together with Suomen Yrittäjät (Federation of Finnish Enterprises) and the evaluators were Mikko Kinnunen from Suomen Yrittäjät, and former competitor, entrepreneur Eemil Pakarinen from EP Steel & Machine. Award for Occupational safety at work is given out together with insurance company LähiTapiola. Evaluators were Eeva Koskela from LähiTapiola and Tiina Kammonen Savo Vocational College.