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Additional Reinforcements at Skills Finland

Juho Viitanen started earlier this year as a part-time Special Needs Advisor. Samuil Uzunov will be completing his civilian service at Skills Finland for this year. Sari Mäenpää will continue in her role as the Competition Manager.

Expertise provided by Luovi Vocational College

Juho_Viitanen.pngJuho Viitanen has begun his role as a Special Needs Advisor (part-timer) at Skills Finland. His main job is working as an educational manager at the Helsinki unit of Luovi Vocational College. Luovi Vocational College is providing his working contribution to Skills Finland.

Previously, Petri Hämäläinen held this role but has now transitioned to full-time work on the “Skills and Workforce for the Circular Economy” project at Luovi.

Juho, how do you feel about starting at Skills Finland?

“I am starting my work with great enthusiasm and motivation. I am eagerly looking forward to what lies ahead. It’s wonderful to be part of Skills Finland’s activities and to bring my expertise into the mix. My expectations and thoughts are already strongly focused on the Abilympics & Taitaja 2027 event. There is a lot to learn, but with good cooperation and teamwork, I know this will be a fantastic journey!”

What is your main job at Luovi, and what does it involve?

“As an educational manager at Luovi, I am responsible for the overall coaching education at the Helsinki campus. I see my job as enabling. It’s my duty to ensure that the background machinery works so that the staff can fully concentrate on their tasks.”
How do you see the importance of special support in vocational education?

“Without special and demanding special support, many students in Finland would miss out on the support they need to graduate and find a path to work and a good life. Special support in vocational education allows those with specific skills to find employment. For employers, recruiting a person with these skills is an opportunity to demonstrate responsibility towards those who need more support. Specialness enriches every work community. Societally, it is also significant that all those who need special and demanding special support are offered equal educational opportunities.”

What kind of cooperation would you like to build with general education institutions in the future?

“Through cooperation, we can enhance our own expertise, gain insights, expand our networks, and, above all, work towards raising the appreciation of vocational education. The forms and methods of cooperation depend on needs. Future needs will guide the models of cooperation, but from my part, I hope that we will engage in cooperation so that we can all develop.”

“At Luovi, we have a lot of experience with good cooperation, such as working in shared environments with general education institutions. The foundation of cooperation must be mutual respect for each other’s work and expertise. When building cooperation, we do not compete as institutions but utilize our expertise reciprocally in the best interests of the students.”

Taitaja Medalist in Civilian Service

Samuil_Uzunov.pngSamuil Uzunov is performing his civilian service at the Skills Finland office until the end of 2024. He graduated as a business management professional and high school graduate from Perho Culinary, Tourism & Business College and has also competed in Taitaja. Samuil participated in the information technology category in 2022 and 2023, winning medals both times.

Samuil, what are your job responsibilities?

“My duties include office work, maintaining and updating registers, information retrieval, meeting services, possible stand duties, warehouse tasks, and acting as a courier. In addition, my days are filled with various miscellaneous tasks.”

What are you looking forward to the most during your service?

“I am most looking forward to getting to know the Skills Finland staff, familiarizing myself with their activities, and participating in various events. I also hope to get to know and work with Skills Finland's extensive network and be of assistance to them as well.”

How did you end up doing your civilian service at Skills Finland?

“I found Skills Finland ry through the service placement search on the Civil Service Center’s website. The name sounded familiar, so I visited their website. I was surprised to find out that they are the organization behind the Taitaja event! I competed in Taitaja in Pori in 2022 and Espoo in 2023. I won a silver medal in information technology the first time and then gold. My Taitaja experience was so positive and memorable that I couldn’t resist applying for this unique service position.”

What are your professional dreams for the future?

“I have been working in the property management sector at Reilu Isännöinti Oy for nearly two years, which has been an extremely rewarding work experience. It would be fantastic to develop in this field and 'climb the ladder' to more influential positions.”

Sari Mäenpää continues as Competition ManagerSari_Maenpaa.png

Sari Mäenpää, who has been serving as the Competition Manager since August 2023, will continue in her role. The Competition Manager works closely with the Taitaja event organizers, Taitaja9 regional coordinators, regional Taitaja development groups, and other network members to ensure the long-term development and quality of Taitaja.

“The Taitaja role brings together top experts now and in the future. With them, we offer everyone interested the opportunity to take up the challenge and join the network of top professionals,” says Sari.

More information

CEO Maria Ekroth,, +358 40 707 9114

Special Needs Advisor Juho Viitanen,, +358 40 319 3354

Office Assistant Samuil Uzunov,

Competition Manager Sari Mäenpää,, +358 46 875 2763