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Application for organizing the Taitaja2025 semifinals

The goal is to have semifinals organized widely across different educational institutions throughout Finland. The application deadline is May 7, 2024.


The semifinals for the Fashion Technology were held this year in Haukipudas (pictured) and Turku. Photo: Jouni Ylisuutari / OSAO.

The application for organizing the Taitaja2025 semifinals is open from April 2 to May 7, 2024. More information about the application process can be found in our Finnish and Swedish websites.

The semifinals are a significant part of the Taitaja competition, with nearly 1800 vocational students participating annually. Organizing the semifinals is an excellent way to enhance the appeal of competitive activities and vocational education both within the institution and regionally.

The Taitaja semifinals are traditionally organized as regionally prominent events. In addition to competitors, judges, and other category officials, local media and young people interested in vocational education can also be invited to the event.

The semifinals will be held in educational institutions across Finland from January 27 to 31, 2025. The final of the Taitaja National Skills Competition will take place in Turku from May 5 to 8, 2025.

More information

Sari Mäenpää
Competiton Manager
046 875 2763