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PRESS RELEASE: Taitaja2024 event opens today

Nearly two years of work will be unveiled and experienced at the opening ceremony of the Taitaja2024 competition on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 2 PM at Olvi Arena in Kuopio. Taitaja2024 offers side events: at the event market, you can explore partners' activities, and seminars will feature topical discussions.

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Taitaja2024 Opening Ceremony Host Saara Närä and Skilly, the Taitaja event mascot, eagerly await the event's start.

Nearly two years of work will be unveiled and experienced at the opening ceremony of the Taitaja2024 competition on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 2 PM at Olvi Arena in Kuopio. Over 400 finalists in more than 50 competition teams will take the stage during the opening ceremony.

The event will feature not only the Finnish National Championship finals in vocational skills but also the final of the playful Taitaja9 competition for middle school students. The Taitaja9 competition can be watched on Tuesday, May 21, from 1 PM to 3 PM and on Wednesday, May 22, from 9 AM to 3 PM at Kuopio Hall. Nearly 10,000 middle school students will have the opportunity to explore the event and various professions through Career Paths.

Taitaja2024 also offers side events: at the event market, you can explore partners' activities, and seminars will feature interesting and topical discussions. A free non-stop bus service will be available for visitors, providing transportation between the event venues at Kuopio Hall and Savonia Vocational College's Savilahti campus.

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