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Training system

The Finnish training for international competitions is based on co-operation between all the parties of interest.


The competition system is co-ordinated by Skills Finland. The main partners are the Ministry of Education, labour market organisations and organisers of vocational education and training.

Training is coordinated by skill managers who are appointed by Skills Finland. There is a skill manager for each skill.

Skill training teams are open to all students who want to develop their skills. Skill training teams usually consist of the skill manager, the expert for the upcoming competition and other professionals, such as former competitors or working life representatives.valmennusympyrä_en.png

The selection of the competitors and experts is approximately one year before the competition. Experts are chosen by Skills Finland based on applications. They are usually teachers at vocational school. Trial competitions are organised for vocational students to select the competitor for each skill.

Every competitor is supported by their background organisation, usually a vocational school. Partners, such as companies and labour market organisations, provide competitors with equipment, materials, training, and advice.

Team Finland competitors train at schools and workplaces. The whole team gathers at the team camps several times during the training period. During the team camps members of the team get to know and support each other.

The very first Team Finland participated at WorldSkills Birmingham 1989. Skills Finland is a founding member of EuroSkills competition and has participated in every EuroSkills since the first competition in 2008. Team Finland has participated in International Abilympics since 2007.