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The Election Committee has begun its work

The Election Committee, appointed by the Skills Finland's general meeting, has begun its work. The committee's task is to present a proposal for new board members or replacements for those whose term is ending to the general meeting. The proposal for the elected members must take into account the association's rules and the board's decisions regarding the division of roles. Seven board members are up for re-election at the end of 2024.

The members of the board who are up for re-election are:

  • Director of Education Tuula Antola, Espoo Regional Education Consortium Omnia, Taitaja2023 Espoo
  • Education Manager Anu Kilkku, Vocational College Live
  • Senior Specialist Maiju Korhonen, Finnish Food and Drink Industries' Federation
  • Deputy Principal Jukka Kosunen, Savo Vocational College, Taitaja2024 Kuopio
  • Director of Results Area, Principal Sirkku Purontaus, Lapland Education Centre Redu, Finnish Association of Vocational Education Leaders SAJO ry
  • Secretary General Eemeli Rajala, Finnish Student Alliance – OSKU ry
  • Industry Manager Tuomas Syyrakki, Würth Oy

Nomination requests have been sent by the nomination committee to the parties in the same category as the outgoing members. Nominations should be sent by August 30th to Maria Atzmon, who will collect and forward the proposals to the nomination committee meeting on September 4th. The association’s general meeting will be held on September 30th. New board members will be elected for three-year terms.