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Finland returns to the podium at the World's largest vocational skills competition

The WorldSkills Competition concluded today, Sunday, with an awards ceremony. Toivo Särkkinen from Finland won a silver medal in the skill of Chemical Laboratory Technology. Eleven other Finnish competitors were recognised for their performances with Medallions for Excellence.


Toivo Särkkinen from Finland won silver in the Chemical Laboratory Technology skill. Photo: Juha Nurminen.

The world's largest vocational skills competition WorldSkills came to an end on Sunday evening in Lyon. The competition, which is held every two years, featured 22 young participants from Finland, all of whom are top professionals in their respective fields.

Toivo Särkkinen brought home a silver medal, competing in the skill of Chemical Laboratory Technology. His tasks included preparing solutions, handling samples, and performing measurements with various analytical devices, all to be completed as perfectly as possible within a limited timeframe. The competition tasks were confidential, and competitors only received them at the start of the competition.

Additionally, 11 Finnish competitors received a Medallion for Excellence for a for above-average performance in their skill.

Finland's previous medal in the WorldSkills competition was also in Chemical Laboratory Technology in 2019. In the 2022 WorldSkills competition, Finland did not win any medals.

"We are proud of all these 22 young professionals. They leave this competition as more experienced and skilled professionals, ready to carry out meaningful work in their fields," says Maria Ekroth, CEO of Skills Finland.

"Team Finland's results are excellent. The standard at the WorldSkills competition is extremely high, so securing a medal, along with the Medallions for Excellence, is a significant recognition of top excellence in skills", Ekroth continues.

The Finnish team will return home on Monday evening.



Laboratory Technology: Toivo Särkkinen, Tampere Vocational College Tredu

Medallion for Excellence

  • Restaurant Service: Melina Rintamäki, Turku Vocational Institute TAI (4th place)
  • Cooking: Jasper Juutinen, Turku Vocational Institute TAI (6th place)
  • Pâtisserie and Confectionery: Erika Ukkonen, South Savo Vocational College, Esedu (5th place)
  • Plumbing and Heating: Mikko Motin, Tampereen seudun ammattiopisto Tredu (9th place)
  • Car Painting: Matias Tiri, Educational Consortium OSAO (8th place)
  • Beauty Therapy: Mirva Alasjärvi, Luksia, Western Uusimaa Municipal Training and Education Consortium (6th place)
  • Web Technologies: Eeli Grén, Saimaa Vocational College Sampo (14th place)
  • 3D Digital Game Art: Lari Rouvinen, Stadin AO, Helsinki Vocational College (8th place)
  • CNC Milling: Aapo Paunonen, Savo Vocational College (13th place)
  • Welding: Teemu Laitinen, Savo Vocational College (19th place)
  • Graphic Design Technology: Daniel Kytönen, Careeria (16th place)

WorldSkills Lyon in France, 10-15 September 2024

  • WorldSkills 2024 will feature 62 skills in total, representing a wide variety of TVET occupations ranging from practical nurses and chefs to welders and electricians.
  • In most skills, the competitors are vocational top professionals aged no more than 23. A total of 1,500 competitors from around the world will take part in the competition.
  • The Eurexpo Lyon fair centre expects 250,000 visitors.
  • Team Finland consists of 22 competitors and 22 experts. The competitors take part in 20 skills.
  • Experts serve as judges and specialists in each skill. The Finnish experts are often vocational teachers. The competitors are trained in collaboration between TVET providers and employers.
  • The goal of each Finnish competitor is to achieve at least the Medallion for Excellence diploma for above-average performance in their respective skills.
  • Skills Finland, which coordinates national team activities, puts together Team Finland and sends it to the competition. Skills Finland works closely together with vocational institutions. The competitors are selected in open qualification events.
  • In addition to the WorldSkills competition, a national team also participates in the EuroSkills and Abilympics competitions. The next EuroSkills competition will be held in Herning, Denmark in 2025, and the Abilympics competition for professionals requiring special support will take place in Helsinki, Finland, in 2027.
  • Finnish professionals have participated in international vocational skills competitions since 1989, winning more than 140 medals in total. The only years in which the team came home with no gold, medal, or bronze medals were 1989 and 2022.

For further information and interview requests

Teija Ripattila

Team Leader
+358 40 455 2020

Katja Katajamäki

Communications Manager
+358 40 732 0691