Publications / Material Bank
This page contains materials produced by Skills Finland that can be used, for example, in communicating competition activities or in vocational education and training and its planning. For general information about Finnish VET, please visit the website of National Agency of Education.
Photos and videos of vocational skills competitions
Skills Finland’s image bank contains pictures of vocational skills competitions and other events organised by the association. The images may be used freely for non-commercial purposes, such as news coverage or the promotion of vocational education and training or vocational skills competitions. When publishing photos, mark Skills Finland as the source of the photo, and include the photographer’s name if it is mentioned in connection with the photo.
- Image bank (
- Skills Finland channel (
- Taitaja channel (
Survey on the image of upper secondary education and training
In an image study commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Skills Finland, interviews were carried out with grade 9 pupils and their parents, upper secondary school students and vocational education and training students, HR professionals from different companies and pupil counsellors. The study was conducted between 2007 and 2022. The results have been published in Finnish and Swedish. Summaries of the results for 2020 and 2022 have been published in English.
Summary of the survey 2022 (pdf) I 2020 (pdf)
In advocation of vocational skills – Skills Finland 1993–2013
Publication covers Skills Finland's history from it's founding in 1993 until the 20th anniversary in 2013.
In advocation of vocational skills – Skills Finland 1993–2013 (pdf)